Wednesday 29 June 2016

Disturbing Trend

There is a disturbing trend that I see growing fast.

Owing to the explosion of imaging/video tools that are easily available, many innocent people seem to fall a victim to morphed images/videos that are held against them, by groups that seek out money or other favours in return. Many of these victims find it difficult to stand up and fight—given their own inner fears and lack of support from family/friends who choose to keep out or in some cases, add fuel to the fire!

I feel pained to see that many people in social media, who are attracted to see such images/videos posted—may be on film stars or politicians—keep “forwarding/liking”, without adequate due diligence on the underlying truth/facts or even pausing to think before “forwarding/liking” those images/videos!

Take the case of Swathi, who was working for Infosys, who got brutally murdered in the early hours in a railway station in Chennai—and there were many people around who either moved away or were mute witnesses—who failed to stand up at that moment!! I noticed that the Television media kept talking about her possible private life with the boy etc., albeit with suitable disclaimers! Let’s visualise for a moment the plight of the family that has to handle the social repercussions of such non-verified perceptions, in addition to coping with the loss of the dear one!! Similar things happen when one faces such a scenario with groups with negative motives!

In the last year or so, in some of my counselling sessions, I had to deal with such victims—in one case, the morphing was done using a group of simple images shot during a family wedding event!! Although, one can ascertain the validity of such images/videos using different technologies and come out totally clean, it is usually too late by the time the truth is ascertained—with the emotional damages already done!! In some extreme cases, the victims who could not handle the emotional turmoil have even ended their lives, leaving their families in dire straits!!

In one such counselling session, I asked the victim,

“Why can’t you stand up and fight, when the truth is on your side?”

The victim said,

“It is very easy to advise others on standing up and fighting—I am not sure if you would stand up and fight if this were to happen to you!!”

I realised that any answer I give the victim, at that time, would be purely academic in nature and in the process I was put into deep introspection too!

It is a fact that, even the smallest blot on ones "Character" is almost a permanent one—many times non-erasable! The human predators seem to know this fact deeper than many victims may realise. Let’s also be more discreet in our “likes/forwards” or in our funny comments, on such posts—as we might be contributing forever, to the mess in someone’s life.

At a deeper level, we need to watch our own Conduct in general (public or private)… If this one aspect is taken care of, the likely blots can be substantially reduced.

I would like to close this post with a powerful quote:

“Intelligence shines through Knowledge—Education sparkles through Conduct”.


  1. Dear Prof Ranganathan,
    Excellent post – capturing the concerning trend whether it is relating to shocking murder in Nungambakkam station or suicide of Salem woman. Sometimes I wonder where we are heading as society and what I can do – as one of my friend put it “கையை பிசைவதை தவிர வேறு என்ன செய்வது”.
    I think we as a human being can do the following as minimum:
    1. Be very conscious of our postings by making sure what we post or forward or like is really a genuine one, adds value to the individual or society and does not propagate hatred or hurt the feelings of any one.
    2. If we find postings that are not genuine or propagate hatred or hurt the feelings of any one, we should feel empowered to highlight it and even request it to be removed from the system if required.
    3. We should follow the simple things we all can do “Think Good and Do Good”. It may be hard initially but once put into practice the benefits to self will be immense.
    4. We should spend time to talk to others whenever an opportunity arises of the need to think good and do good.
    We need impress on our leaders and families to embrace this philosophy of thinking good and doing good and make it part of a DNA – it is not an overnight batch run but a long journey.
    But we can always make a start by doing what we can do by practicing the four points mentioned earlier.
    Look forward to hearing others view points and comments.

    1. Fantastic value-add Samy... I am very grateful for taking time and sharing these invaluable thoughts... Can you pls share these thoughts as a comment in FB (to my post), so that readers who did/do not read comments in the blog can also benefit?

  2. In recent times, the media has often been unabashedly sensationalising news, sans sensitivity. Gone are the days when journalists sported rectitude in reporting, steering clear of even opinion-making, except perhaps in editorials.j

    The current climes are a pale shadow of the past. At times I've found that reporting is often abominable with innuendos that titillate the readers' imagination, without a shred of Truth. In the name of free-press, much damage is wrought by the so called fourth Estate, that has engendered calumny in its craft.

    Coming to the social media, it is even more alarming, armed with technology, but without responsibility. Being unregulated, it plumbs the depths of decadence in character. An element of caution is never out of place and moderation in the use of social media is probably the need of the hour. It's better to reduce one's exposure to unknown circles, especially by the women folk. Rama Rama

    1. Excellently articulated Swami... Thanks a ton...

  3. The human mind naturally seeks to know things that happens differently from one's own life. Quite unfortunately with the advent of social media, we not only want to know but we pay less thought to understand whether what is forwarded is right or not. I understand that I am making a big statement here - frankly, there are quite some out here in this world, who love a juicy gossip and don't hesitate to pass it to others to enjoy the same, with the same less thought. Along with forwarding, much is also discussed in forums, with less care of who will be hurt in the process and that what we are discussing maybe none of our business. I would like to quote one of the quotes that you use frequently 'Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people'. Can we elevate ourselves to discussing ideas, is the question that each one is responsible enough to ask themselves!!

    1. Thank you Malathy for this wonderful thought...
      As OSHO writes,
      With a positive orientation, an idle mind is God's workshop;
      With a negative orientation, an idle mind is Devil's workshop

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